4 Best Ways to Make Money From Your Van

Your car is an asset in a number of ways. It can also be the perfect tool to make some money on the side. To make the most of your investment, we've covered some of the top ways for making money from your van.

Sign Up for a Delivery Service

If driving people isn't your thing, consider applying for a store pick-up or mover service, like PAAVAA or Helpbit. You can accept jobs at will and can pick up and deliver services or items in your area.

If you'd rather have a set schedule and more reliable source of income, consider applying at your local store delivery or junk removal. If you'd like to take it one step further, you can sign up for a site like PAAVAA, where you making money from your van.

Pickup Services

If you have a truck or large vehicle, you can make money by picking up large items or even helping people move. Services like PAAVAA and Helpbit will allow you making money from your van, truck, or SUV to transport items. You can also use a service like PAAVAA to charge for the use of your vehicle, as well as for your manpower (for transporting or lifting heavy items).

Wrap Your Car with Paid Advertising

If you aren't attached to the appearance of your vehicle, consider having it wrapped in an advertisement. Companies like Wrapify and Carvertise can lease ad space on your car for hundreds of dollars per month. While Forbes estimates that you can make anywhere from $100-$600 per month to use your vehicle as a moving billboard, it will really depend on the service you choose, the size of your car, your daily commute, and where you live.

Rent It Out

If you are planning a trip out of town, consider renting your vehicle out for the time you're away. You can rent it to someone needing a vehicle for the time you're gone with sites like Turo and Getaround, or you can lease your vehicle to be used on a movie set. Getaround estimates that you can make up to $10,000 a year by a sharing your vehicle when you don't need it.

If you have a specialty vehicle or an old vehicle (which will fit a certain time period), you can expect to make more money and get booked on more filming jobs. You can even make money just by parking your car on the set so that it matches the look or time period the film is shooting for.

But how do you get started? How do you find customers who are looking to rent a truck or van for their moving or delivery needs?

Download PAAVAA App and turn into a PAAVAA Service Provider today!

Make a profile for your service by uploading your photograph and other images and reports to verify your identity and the service that you offer.

Once you are registered, you will start receiving notifications whenever a potential customer is looking for the services that you offer. The PAAVAA app provides you with the opportunity to weigh price feedback in a simple, easy-to-use platform.

What are you waiting for? Start your engine and begin making money from your van with PAAVAA.

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